Hayao Miyazaki knows the world needs him right now. He's heard our call. 宫崎骏知说念当今全国需要他。他也听到了影迷们的招呼。
The Studio Ghibli co-founder and director will step out of retirement to make one final project, one which would be his first and last to delve into CGI animation; having announced his plans on NHK, Japan's public broadcaster, as part of a programme entitled Owaranai Hito Miyazaki Hayao or Hayao Miyazaki - The Man Who Isn't Finished. 尽管已告示退休,这位吉卜力责任室的联合创办东说念主兼导演已经决定出山制作终末一部作品。这部收官之作将是宫崎骏第一部亦然终末一部涉足三维电脑动画的作品。他已在日本NHK电视台播出的记载片《宫崎骏——永不终结的东说念主》中告示了这一权术。
Miyazaki has been so far working on a CG short called Boro the Caterpillar (Kemushi no Boro), set to be shown at Tokyo's Studio Ghibli museum; however, the director has stated that he's unhappy with the film and plans to develop it into a feature length project. 宫崎骏之前一直在制作忖度天真画短片《毛毛虫波罗》,供吉卜力博物馆播放。关联词当电影完成后,他对这部电影展现出的成果并不安逸。于是,他决定把这部影片拍成动画长片。
He's currently collaborating with longtime producer Toshio Suzuki, the current head of Studio Ghibli, on the film; with Suzuki confessing Miyazaki was struggling to adapt to the techniques of CGI animation after a lifetime of hand-drawn films. 当今宫崎骏正在和耐久从事制片责任的吉卜力现任社长铃木敏夫互助这部影片。铃木敏夫向记者流露,由于宫崎骏一世齐在用手绘制电影,因而在使用电脑绘制技能制作动画顷然不免有些力不从心。
Though the filmmaker had stated multiple times over the years that he was planning to retire, he made a more official announcement on the matter in 2013; handing over production to younger staff, while concentrating on other projects such as the Studio Ghibli museum and continuing to illustrate manga. 尽管宫崎骏早前屡次暗示要退休,关联词在2013年才发达告示退隐的音信。当今他一边退位让贤,把吉卜力的动画作事交给年青东说念主,一边将要点放在吉卜力博物馆等其他技俩和给漫画书加插图上。
However, Suzuki told Japanese radio at the time that Miyazaki may well revoke his retirement in the future, this apparently being his sixth attempt to date. 联系词,铃木敏夫告诉日本播送电台,这彰着是宫崎骏第六次复出,而他翌日也很有可能再度失约。
The news also hopefully puts to rest (for now) rumours that Studio Ghibli would be shutting its doors for good; as Suzuki stated, "Ghibli will carry on as long as Miyazaki continues to make films." 之前有东说念主传吉卜力会永久在业界逆风招展,而这条音信有望暂时平息此坏话。就像铃木敏夫所说的,"只有宫崎骏一天不真确'退休',吉卜力就不会倒下去。"
英文开头:平安报 翻译:王欢(中国日报网爱新闻iNews译者) 审校&剪辑:丹妮乱伦故事